Saturday, January 14, 2012

The End

I realized a person or two may still be checking my page to see if I've updated, so here is a helpful notice: I don't think I'll post anymore. I've lost interest. But thank you for reading. You're great. I'll probably be back someday, some year. I'll let you know. I'm sure you're my facebook friend, so I'll let you know there. Until then, farewell.


  1. I find this sad for people who aren't on fb who are your friends.
    I just published my blog into a book for my kids to read someday.
    Maybe if you published yours or made it more like a journal it'd mean more.
    You could go private so as to make it a REAL journal and leave us all out of it.
    I just think it's a little sad that Jonah might not know your thoughts and feelings at this time in your life.
    I'm just saying..............

  2. Poop. And ditto to what Melissa said. And HELLO I am reading your blog, is that not good enough for you?? You may want to reconsider . . .

  3. Sad day. I loved reading your blog. Some people try to be funny, but you truly are funny. I will miss it, plus I don't have facebook :(

  4. BOOOOOO! :) But I understand. I agree with Kristi - you truly are one of the funniest people. And to top it all off, you are an excellent writer. I miss you Dani! And now I will digitally miss you as well. Talk to you soon!

  5. Say it ain't so!!! I will faithfully await your return to the blogosphere.

  6. Dani! This is like the worst thing that's happened all day, and it is the VERY END OF THE DAY so that's all kinds of things! I mean, I guess it's actually been a pretty good day so it's not that hard to be the worst thing, but even if really bad things had happened it would still be one of the worst.

    I read your posts in Reader and I always mean to click over and write how every one is the best ever, and I rarely do, so I want to take this chance to say hahahaha to all of them.

    Now I feel like when people ask if blogging is dead, I'll have to answer.... yes. Yes it is.

    Maybe a tumblr? Dani you have to do a tumblr! Dani don't leeeeeeeeave!

  7. I'll miss you. Also, Adam. Yours was the only one of my friends' blogs he read consistently.

    And could you just do a Post-It-Note pictures project? Those were my favorite. That is all.

  8. Hey Dani! I don't know how I am going to secret cyber stalk you now that you aren't blogging. But seriously, I will miss reading your funny posts!P.S. We love parks and rec too. I find myself working "fine leather goods" into almost every conversation.
