I bought a fish-shaped ornament for my new fish tank. bubbles come out of its mouth. I wonder if it will remind the fish of their own mortality and eventual fossilization.

I beat Seth twice at Blokus. Take that, SORRY Champion of the World.
I went back to work after 12 days off and remembered why my ideal career would be Independently Wealthy.
wtf is blokus? Sounds like a good birthday! But umm... weren't you eating with your husband? You'd think the waitress would realize that and not call you miss!
blokus is a game. you put little pieces down and try to take over the board.
I recommend it. If you like games.
We got that [Blokus] for Christmas. Can't wait to give it a try!
Happy Birthday!!! I am happy it was good. I played a fun new game--bananagrams. Its like scrabble, but really cool!!
I love blokus and I love you. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY. I can't wait to see you!
I Wish I could have been there. Except I've never played blokus so you would have beaten me for sure. But that would have been okay because it would have been your birthday and even if I were a blokus queen I would have let you win because it was your birthday. I just made a list of all the birthdays I need to remember for future reference and you are at the top. So if I remember two days late next year you can put coal in my stocking. HAPPY 24!
Also, what is Blair W.'s birthday because she's not on facebook so I couldn't cheat to find hers and I'm too embarrassed to ask her!
That's my ideal career too. Oh, and I've heard Blokus if fun but have never tried. Oh, and Lindsay, my birthday is July 25th.
I also love Blokus! And you are the funniest, with the fish fossilization.
Hey, that's my ideal career, too! Happy Birthday.
I do not like being called "miss". I have a ring on my finger, hello! But I don't know if "ma'am" is much better...it's almost demeaning. Hmmm. I guess I should just introduce myself so then they can call me by name.
I hope your life is wonderful. Happiest of birthdays.
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