Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Annoy Seth

1. Eat crackers in bed (already discussed).
2. Try the same joke over and over for years on end (also already discussed).
3. Try to share his pillow.
4. Call him nicknames (for example...) that have nothing to do with his actual name.
5. Call him nicknames that have something to do with his actual name but that he hates (example: BETH).
6. Get really bored in the car and decide to scat (and really put your heart into it), even though you don't know how.
7. Put your lips on his lips and try to carry on a conversation. (Though he has developed a defense for this one: He blows out as hard as he can into your mouth, which is annoying. But do your best to keep it up!)
8. Hold a ceramic frog in his face while he's trying to type up notes from a meeting.
9. Pretend to forget to turn off the bedside lamp when going to sleep until he asks at least twice. Every night (See #2).
10. Hide things (like wooden blocks or pants) inside his pillowcase.
11. Distort passages from the scriptures for your own purposes. (For example: "Seth. If you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS!!")

I have been working hard to become The Authority on this topic, but my research is still incomplete. I will keep you updated on my discoveries as more time goes by.


Kristina P. said...

I am taking notes. I need some good annoyances for my husband.

rychelle said...

you make me laugh!!!

Chrissie said...

HAHAHA. Such fun. I hope Seth retaliates with pranks of his own.

Chrissie said...

P.S. I haven't been commenting on your recent posts, but trust me--I loved 'em. I can't get enough of you, Dani. When I was in Danville (I went recently to look for homes), I kept thinking about how you took me under your wing when my family moved there. You are da bomb. Sorry to post a sappy sentimental comment in your comments section.

Liz said...

Oh my gosh, I love you. I read your list to Mark and we both guffawed. Please let us know of additions to the list!

Megan said...

Dani, you are such a good writer. You made me laugh out loud, especially because I (very well) pictured you doing those things. I think the pillowcase one qualifies for an excellent sneak of the week. This made me miss you.

The Grady's said...

LOVE THEM! I have done so many of those it is scary!

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You are SO one of my absolute favorite people!! I LOVE your wit! You crack me up!

Kristin said...

&**)(&)&#%#@$#!#$%^%*%^( blog!!!!

That is a comment I saw on one of your previous posts, and it expressed everything I wanted to say but didn't know how.

Megkran said...

I tap on Adam's teeth while he is talking (they way you used to do while we were in college) and he still doesn't think it is funny. The humor must be above his level.

Andy and Saramarie Bourne said...

Thank you Dani for that awesome list. You are hilarious! My sister says that you bring joy to her heart.