"What kind of snakes were they?" he asked.
"Um," I said.
"Cuz there are only 4 kinds of poisonous snakes in North America, and only two of those can be found out West," he said. Then blah, blah, blah, snakes this, snakes that, etc.
I asked him how he knew all this, and he told me he learned it in Boy Scouts.
Here's what I learned in Girl Scouts:
Circle round, that has no end:
that's how long I want to be your friend.
I also learned that my Uncle Just could eat 10 boxes of Girl Scout cookies by himself. And that gum doesn't decompose in dirt, even if you leave it in a container filled with dirt buried in dirt for months. And that they ride gondolas in Italy. Always.
Seth told me about how boa constrictors could eat people whole.
Then I told him about how this one time, I was walking through the forest, and I saw this guy named Seth, and I ate him whole.
He then shared a story that involved snakes. I don't remember what it was. I'm not sure I was totally listening.
In any case, my story was the better one.
Wow, Seth was actually listening in Boy Scouts?! That is amazing. I like your story better than Seth's and you can tell him that!
I am deathly afraid of snakes, so I came looking wearily, and what did I find??? A snake (yes, I am scared of pictues too), and not just a snake, but a striking snake! Thanks!
I did like your story better, after I scrolled to snake out of the screen ;)
but at least the snake didn't have teeth, right?
Sorry! I don't want to make my blog a place of fear! Never again.
Do you remember the other verses to that song? Here they are, for nostalgia's sake:
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other's gold
A fire burns bright; it warms the heart
We've been friends from the very start
I prefer that to snake education. Oh, I also learned about puberty in Girl Scouts, and I have a badge to prove it.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading that! Thank you!
That was a fabulous read--I'm glad you didn't let me down because I was searching for something funny. I think you need to write a book. Or maybe just publish your blog. It could be entitled--Danusings. That is Musings by Dani combined. Okay don't use that.
Is your uncle's name really Just?
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