But did he just name it Obama gas or Obama-nation? Speaking of naming things - how did the San Francisco vote end up? The one where they were renaming a huge public facility in honor of our long-serving, sacrificing, out-going President? That's right they had a vote of the people to decide if they should name it George W Bush Sewer.
President Satu
Dani for President in 2012!
Oh, please! I could never be politically correct enough. I would be fired immediately!
What about welsh-american, they are just as important as those finnish!!!
But did he just name it Obama gas or Obama-nation? Speaking of naming things - how did the San Francisco vote end up? The one where they were renaming a huge public facility in honor of our long-serving, sacrificing, out-going President? That's right they had a vote of the people to decide if they should name it George W Bush Sewer.
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