Monday, April 6, 2009

A style guide, according to me

Here is how you spell some words, in my world.




If you deviate even slightly from these standards of excellence, please consider yourself judged. Even though there is absolutely no authority other than my own that dictates these rules.


Kristina P. said...

I do this to! They are completely different!

Jules AF said...

OH MY GOSH! I completely agree.

Chrissie said...

One should never confuse "ya" for "yeah"--that bugs me.

Kristin said...

This is the appropriate style guide for every world. There has to be some authority about never writing Yea unless it's scriptoral?

PS. Thanks for the book recs! And the tip about Goodreads-- I'm creating an account right now!

Sarah said...

I've just been catching up on your blog, and you crack me up something fierce. BTW, I miss skirt kickball.

TD Quong said...

"ya" for "yeah" really bugs me. They are very very different. But agreed. "Yeah" is not excited at all, whereas "YAY!" screams excitement!

Dave said...

So it appears there is more authority than just the "annointed one". Bully for you, or is that beaully for yeau?