Thursday, February 5, 2009

The AP Stylebook is Fantastic

"Literally means in an exact sense; do not use it figuratively. Wrong: He literally bled them white. (Unless the blood was drained from their bodies.)"



Jules AF said...

I literally killed myself today lying on my couch because I'm in so much pain. Love you! Kisses....

TD Quong said...

Even the best fall down sometimes. Even the wrong words seem to rhyme.

Sarah said...

Reminds me of a quotable quote from my dad. "Sin is like an evil act"... no Dad, sin IS an evil act. He hasn't sent me any dollar bills with his face on them lately, but every now and then he'll throw a fiver in the mail. I figure that's almost as good.

TD Quong said...

Dani, I am so pissed that you have not commented on my comment! (PS-I'm using the word pissed because I kind of makes me giggle, so I'm not really pissed.) I thought that would bring back fond memories and encourage you to write back with more lyrics.