As the months passed by and it still did not turn up on the hold shelf, I thought, man, that is a popular book. Then one day when checking out my position in the queue online, I noticed my mistake: I'd placed a copy of the large print version on hold.
Only 2 copies to share among me and my 300 vision-impaired friends.
It finally came in mid-September, and as I read it I notice myself turning pages more often than usual.
So, thoughts on John Grisham. He's a guilty pleasure of mine. Should I feel guilty? I think so. His villains are so evil and so predictable. and cliffhangers are blatant and overdramatic. But he can still write a great story.
I read all his books in middle school and high school, and now, going back to him, I can't believe how hilariously, unabashedly leftist he is. Here is a passage from his book, the narrator narrating (not a direct quote, but the idea's there. and it's in large print, because that's how I'm used to seeing it):
His interlocutors went through issue after issue. Was he against abotion? Of course. Against all abortion? Yes. Supportive of the death penalty? Very much so.
They didn't seem to notice the contradiction.
Wow, John. Wow. Are you a Democrat? MAYBE. He just throws that in there. Along with the evil big corporations and Republican meddling in judicial selection and the "liberal" quest for truth and goodness.
Some things make me LOLZ.
Also, is that LIBRARY! for real? I love it!
Reminds me of Wall-E.
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